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Environmental Group Brings Green Bikes to Campus

"I’m Tyler, I’m a senior, and … I like bikes."

That’s how Tyler Carr ’06 introduced himself at the called, officially began April 6, when six tuned up, road ready bikes were placed on campus for free public use. Tyler, the programs leader, and the newly formed group have already left their mark.

The idea is fantastic; anyone from the Wabash community can take a bike, ride it wherever they need to "Run errands, get to class, or just go for a first Students for Sustainability meeting on the Wabash Campus.

He wasn’t kidding. Wabash Green Bikes, as it’s being ride!" as the flyer reads - and then return it to one of the campus bike racks. The bikes are numbered, and students have been asked to send maintenance requests as necessary.  The group is also seeking donations and volunteers to help prepare and maintain the bikes.

"On a bicycle when you’re between a semi truck and a van that’s burning oil, like I was the other day, and you’re in traffic, it’s like ‘wow, so this is what pollution tastes like,’ " Carr said. "You realize all the things you don’t notice when you’re in a car, you’re much more connected with the environment."

There has been a lot of concern the bikes might be stolen, especially if left unattended at night, but after three days SFS members report that they’ve all been spotted recently.  Student Senate representative Shawn Crane ’09 suggested they might be willing to pay for combination locks to make the bikes more secure, but still accessible.

"The community has really come through for us.  The local bike shop (Rotten Robbies’ Cycle Sports) gave us a discount on parts, and the bookstore donated the ‘Wabash College’ decals,"  Carr said.

There has been a strong positive response, and people can be seen riding the bikes all over campus. Students for Sustainability hopes to add more bikes to the program, perhaps twenty or thirty in total, and encourage more campus involvement in keeping the bikes running.

"I mean, you really can’t have too many of them," Carr added.

In photos:

On homepages: Carr puts the Green Bikes into position, ready for student use. Also: Carr, students Adam Hawkins '07 and Barnes '09 look over the bike racks.

Above: Jamaal Barnes '09 gets ready to take off on one of the bikes!

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