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Visiting Russian Students Share Impressions of Wabash

Seven students from Saratov State Socio-Economic University are visiting Wabash College. They arrived Wednesday, participated in Saturday's International Dinner, and visited Indianapolis on Sunday. A handful of Wabash students in the Russian Club went along Sunday to help navigate Indianapolis. The Russians were asked to share their impressions.

Vadim Dulmaev - Before my visit to the USA I had one idea about the USA and American people and during my visit that idea has changed. American people are very friendly, open, hospitable, with similar interests as I have.

Crawfordsville is a rather small town, but it is very nice and calm. When I saw Wabash College I was very impressed and surprised. I saw an American college for the first time. There is a big difference between the Russian system of education and the American system. It was very interesting to see how American students live and study on the campus: their classes, their conditions of life, methods of teaching, entertainment and recreation.

I live in the house with 11 students and they are very sociable and hospitable. It is very easy to talk with them about different things: politics, classes, economy, parties and so on.

We were in Indianapolis on Sunday. It was great! I got a lot of impressions. I visited the Art museum (Eiteljorg) and I saw different historical statues, paintings and other things. We went shopping in the huge mall (Circle Center). We went sightseeing (historical buildings, architecture, skyscrapers).

Anna Shabalina - I have never been in the USA. I know and read some facts about your country But when I arrived I saw everything with my own eyes. Crawfordsville is a very beautiful town. I'd like to point out that I like squirrels very much. In Russia you can see them only in the parks. That is great !!!

American students help us to know very interesting facts about the USA. There is a friendly atmosphere here and the guys try to help us.

I like Indianapolis very much. This is a very beautiful city. I like a central canal especially gold fish. The Circle Center is great and wonderful, there are a lot of exciting shops there. As for the museum I like it too. There are a lot of interesting pictures and monuments it was very interesting to visit Indianapolis.

Elena Vasyutina - Wabash College is a very nice place. There is a friendly atmosphere. I think almost everybody could help you when you need.

On Sunday we were in Indianapolis. We visited many interesting places. Central Canal is a very quiet park where you could relax and forget about your problems. Also we were in Basketball stadium but we couldn't go to see the game. I think it will be very exciting experience.

In the museum we learned many interesting facts about American history. We saw a memorial complex in the centre of the city, which is devoted to the War. We took many photos and will remember this city for a long time.

Erlen 'Eric' Troshin - I have never been in the USA. Of course, it's a great experience for me. Of course after our long trip from Moscow we were tired a lot and it was difficult to understand anything. The next day after arriving we visited the campus of Wabash college: gym, swimming pool, different stadiums, office buildings and so on. The next day we visited classes of Russian, French and Spanish. It's very interesting because our system of education is rather different. Maybe later we will use the same system.

On Saturday we took part in Russian-African dinner. It's interesting to communicate with students from different countries and with different faith. On Sunday we had a nice trip to Indianapolis. We were visiting Motor Racing Stadium (Indianapolis 500) which was very exciting and interesting especially for me. Because I'm very fond of cars. After this we visited basketball stadium, Memorial Complex in Honour of soldiers who participated in different wars on the territories of the USA.

We visited the museum of American history and art. I liked the most about native Americans. At last a few words about our relations in houses where we are living. As for me I spend time with friendly and very sociable people with whom I can speak about different problems and about different subjects. Our next trip will be Chicago. 

Ksenia Pelevina and Zhanna Terentyeva - Our trip here began on March, 15. We came from Saratov to Moscow by train. It was very funny and exiting because it was the beginning of our long planned trip here and we were waiting for new impressions. We imagined the town Crawfordsville, people who living here. After receiving the visa and our passports we bought tickets to the USA. Our flight from Moscow to New York took 11 hours. We arrived to the New-York's airport. We had to be there for the night because we were waiting for the flight to Dayton. We didn't know what to do and we decided to entertain ourselves. We decided to play cards and bet that the loser had to do crazy things. Vadim always lost and he danced and squatted in the center of the terminal. It was very fun and people who passed us were very surprised but smiled.

Veronica met us in Dayton and at last we were here. The town seems to us very beautiful and quiet. The people here are very friendly and hospitable. It seems that everybody knew that we would be here. Everybody is greeting us, smiling to us and asking us? Are you really from Russia?, Do you like to be here? It was so nice and we felt very good despite of the fact that we were very tired from the flight.

The Wabash College impressed us a lot. It is very big and beautiful. The life in the college is diverse. There are a lot of different events here. We like it. We visited French, Spanish and Russian classes in the college. We met a lot of new friends here.

The boys help us to improve our English and we teach them some Russian words. Now when they meet us they say 'Privet' and 'Kak dela'. It's very nice.

Elena Dyakina - Our trip in America is very exciting, because we learned more about people who live here. They are very friendly and like to have fun. The people welcomed us and also we like food in Sparks. We learned a new system of education, we like it. I think it is very interesting and may be in the future this system will be used in Russia. 

On Sunday we were in Indianapolis. It is a very beautiful city, on the one hand it is very modern city, and on the other it has many historical memorials. We walked at the central canal where we saw gold fish. It is a very nice place. We were in a museum, where I learned about American history.

And now I would like to go to Chicago, I heard about this city a lot and I want to see it.

In photos: Top left, Russians students and members of Wabash's Russian Club gather for a photo in downtown Indianapolis. At right, Eric Troshin (back to camera) tries to get the girls to cooperate for a photo at the Soldiers and Sailors Monument. Lower left, the Russian students emerge from a walk through Conseco Fieldhouse's lobby ready to tackle the city.

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