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Wabash Club of Chicago - Golf Outing


The Willow Creek Golf Club at Marriott's Oakbrook Resort was again home to the annual Wabash Club of Chicago golf outing.  Almost 40 golfers took part.
The team of Nathan Dinger '05, Kyle West '05, Pat Pienias '97, and Collin Smith '09 won with a score of six under par 64.
After the golf and a great dinner, Wabash Club of Chicago president Greg Jania '93 undated the attendees on upcoming Wabash events in the Chicago area.  Greg then turned the floor over to President Pat White who told the group about the new class of students (Class of 2013!)  Pat also recounted his vacation trip to Montana and a chance meeting with the mother of a current Wabash student.  Small world.
After Pat's presentation, the group raffled off a number of nice prizes.  In fact, one golfer won so many different things he presented one of the staff at the golf course with a Wabash t-shirt.  Good advertising.
Photo:  That's Paul Hawksworth '56 hitting from the 18th tee. 
For more photos, click here.

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