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Alumni Board Hosts New Faculty Members


The highlight for many of the alumni board members at the Winter meeting was the chance to welcome four young faculty members to the board meeting.  Board faculty representative Greg Redding '88 introduced the faculty members - Eric Olofson (Psychology), Christie Byun (Economics), Karen Gunther (Psychology), and Ethan Hollander (Political Science).

What started as a 30 minutes session went well over an hour and the conversation about all things Wabash was rapid fire and high energy.  It was readily apparent to all in attendance that the new faculty members "get" Wabash, really enjoy their students, and are first and foremost teachers.

Mark Dewart '74, president of the alumni board, commented that Wabash continues to attract faculty members who are standouts in the chosen field of study and are focused on the education of today's young men.  


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