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Science Fiction Scholar Lecturing Tuesday Noon

Can reading Science Fiction make you smarter?

On Tuesday, October 19, at 12:00 noon in Center Hall 216, Professor Arthur B. Evans will attempt to answer that question. The most prominent American scholar on the work of Jules Verne, Professor Evans is also the editor and publisher of Science Fiction Studies, the preeminent scholarly journal in that field. In addition to numerous books and articles in Science Fiction, he has also edited a new collection of science fiction stories (The Wesleyan Anthology of Science Fiction).

A senior professor in the French Department, Dr. Evans has been teaching Science Fiction for over 20 years at DePauw University. “His classes are a masterful review of the field,” according to Professor Tom Campbell. “He is able to give students an invaluable introduction to the vast variety of stories and styles associated with science fiction.”
Founded in 1972, Science Fiction Studies has been published at DePauw since 1992 under Dr. Evans’ leadership. In an article in The Chronicle of Higher Education, Jim Zook said, “Since its founding... Science Fiction Studies has charted the course for the most hard-core science fiction critics and comparatists. That focus has earned the journal its reputation as the most theoretical scholarly publication in the field, as well as the most daring.”
Throughout his career, Dr. Evans has guided numerous scholars and readers through the field of Science Fiction. He comes to Wabash as a guest of the English Department. The talk will also feature a luncheon for all attendees.
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