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Big Bash 2012 Third Biggest Ever

Big Bash 2012 concluded Sunday morning with the Awards Brunch in Knowling Fieldhouse. Wabash alums celebrated a Big Bash or records.

Director of Alumni Affairs Tom Runge announced that the 351 alums signing the register made 2012 the third biggest Bash in the weekend’s nine years.

“Also those super young guys from the class of 2007, cold showers and all, set a new record for the fifth-year class reunion,” Runge announced. “We also had five classes win the Donor Challenge, the second highest number of classes to ever do that. Congratulations to the Classes of 1962, 1977, 1997, 2002, and 2007.

Wabash men traveled from 31 different states and Washington D. C. to be a part of Big Bash.

The 1909 Trophy Cup Winner was the Class of 1962 with 30.3 percent of the class returning for the Bash. Terry Fewell and Thom Feit accepted the award from President Patrick White. The 1928 Attendance Trophy Winner was the Class of 1967 with 48 alumni signatures in the registration book. The Class of ’62 trailed the winners by just one attendee.

The Robinson-Ragan Award for Alumni Chapel Sing was also taken by the Class of ’62. The Class of ’67 was second with the class of ’07 winning third. Runge offered an honorable mention to the class of 2002 which had one participant – Ryan Daming!

The Dorman Hughes ’43 Award is presented by the alumni office to salute class agents who go above and beyond in organizing their class reunion. The office decided it was a tie this year with Thom Feit and Terry Fewell of ’62 along with Craig Miller and Justin Castle for the Class of 1997.

The Edmund O. Hovey Annual Giving Award also went to the Class of ’62 who ran away from the field with 65.79 percent participation from their class making a gift to the College.

President White wrapped up Big Bash weekend with remarks. He thanked all of the returnees and their significant others for returning to Wabash and their continued efforts to make young men’s dreams come true.

He also told the story of NCAA National Champion Track athletes Kevin McCarthy and Jake Waterman. He shared how both are hard workers, good students, and young men of perseverance. How the two represent the spirit of Wabash. He added how important scholarships are to the young men who continue to make Wabash the special place the alums treasure.

Runge thanked his office staff, Bon Appetit staff, campus services, and Communications and Marketing staff for their Big Bash work.

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