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Alumni Leaders Welcome Back Sophomores

Alumni leaders from the national and Indianapolis boards gathered to welcome the Class of 2016 back to campus. 

It seems odd - the sophomore class.  However, it makes perfect sense.  When the class of 2016 graduates, all of the class will join the alumni ranks.  So this year kicks off their introduction to being an alumnus.

Seton Goddard '15, student representative to the board, served as the emcee.  He introduced Dean of Students Mike Raters '85 who welcomed the group back on behalf of the entire campus community.  Mike noted that many of his staff see this as the most exciting time of the year at Wabash - a time for "our guys" to return to campus and start a new year.

Seton then introduced Greg Estell '85, president of the board of directors of the National Association of Wabash Men.  Greg's message was clear and concise - Wabash is 4-Life.  Wabash men join the brotherhood and the bonds created here on campus and later in life with other alumni stand the test of time.  That brotherhood has kept Wabash strong and growing over time and Greg closed with an invitation for the sophomores to join the alumni in the room to keep Wabash on that path.  

Top:  Hall of Famer Jake Knott '03 talks with students before dinner
Middle:  Seton Goddard '15
Bottom: Greg Estell '85

For other photos of the evening, click here.


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