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Student Profile - Scott Morrison '14

Name and Class year: Scott Morrison ‘14

Living unit: Sigma Chi

Major: English

Campus organizations: The Bachelor, golf team, Sphinx Club, Sons of Wabash

Leadership positions held on campus: Sigma Chi Philanthropy chair, news editor of the Bachelor.

Currently serving as: Editor in Chief of the Bachelor

What made you decide to attend Wabash: I was not interested in Wabash at first because it was too small, but after meeting people from all parts of campus and learning the value of a liberal arts education from alumni, I was sold. The alumni connections and the brotherhood and traditions are one of a kind.

Favorite course thus far and why: Crooked Stick in Carmel … oh, academic course! I have two – An English class on masculinity and film and a psychology class on fatherhood. I really enjoyed studying masculinity and its representations, because this is a relatively new area of study. I feel like things I learned in these classes will affect the rest of my life as a man and how I act.

Favorite Wabash moment: My favorite moment at Wabash was when my pledge class won Chapel Sing freshman year. It was great to put in the hard work learning the song and knowing that we accomplished something special from all of that work. It was something we did for ourselves and the house and alumni to be proud of.

Favorite place on campus: My favorite place on campus has to be the window rooms at the front of the second floor of Lilly Library. It is a great place to be able to study and look out on the beauty of the mall.

Plans after Wabash: I am keeping a lot of options open, but I am seriously considering chasing my dream of journalism and broadcasting.

Tell us something very few people know about you: Growing up I was fascinated by semi-trucks and wanted to be a truck driver. Somewhere along the way those plans changed a little.