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Faculty Profile - Ethan Hollander

Name:  Ethan Hollander

Your background: Grew up in Miami Beach, Florida. Went to Wesleyan University for college, University of California, San Diego for my PhD. In my spare time, I make pottery, cook, and explore my community.

Department and specialty at Wabash:  Political Science. Specifically, comparative politics. This means I teach things like Politics of the Middle East, European Politics, and (of course) Cuban Politics and Culture. I also teach Research Methods and Statistics. Also, I teach interdisciplinary courses outside my department: For example, I taught a freshman tutorial on “Bugs”.

Special involvement at Wabash: Well, I help Doug Calisch out teaching ceramics at the art center. I’m also faculty advisor for both the College Democrats and the Wabash Conservative Union. Oh yes, and I try to be a local ‘tour guide’. Each year, I take the new faculty on a walking tour of downtown Indianapolis.

Favorite part of Wabash: The traditions, especially Chapel Sing.

Favorite place on the campus: The ceramics studio.

Favorite food: Spaghetti.

Something most people don’t know about you: That my favorite food is spaghetti.