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Bachelor: ICPA Best Paper of Year

For the third time in the past six years, The Bachelor was named Newspaper of the Year by the Indiana Collegiate Press Association, the association’s highest distinction for print newspapers. The distinction was bolstered by eight 1st place awards and 14 overall awards.

“It is a tremendous honor for The Bachelor, and for Wabash as a whole, to win Division III Newspaper of the Year,” Editor-in-chief Scott Morrison ’14 said. “I am extremely happy for and proud of my entire staff.” 

Attending the ICPA Awards: Ian Artis, Fritz Coutchie, Corey Egler, <br>'14-'15 Editor Patrick Bryant, Justin Miller, and David MylesThe Bachelor had previously been named Newspaper of the Year in 2009 under Editor-in-chief Patrick McAlister ’10 and in 2011 under Riley Floyd ’13.

Of the 14 overall awards the staff received, a number of different staff members from the 2012-13 and 2013-14 school years were recognized.  Receiving 1st place awards were Morrison, staff writer Samuel Vaught ’16, Sports Editor Jocelyn Hopkinson ’15, and Photo Editor Ian Baumgardner ’14.  Receiving 2nd or 3rd place awards were photographer Corey Egler ’15, Ryan Lutz ’13, Cavelife Editor David Myles ’14, opinion columnist Ryan Horner ’15, and Opinion Editor Patrick Bryant ’16. 

Some of the pieces to receive high praise from the judges include Vaught’s story “Beam me up, Wally,” a preview to BKT Assistant Professor of Mathematics Colin McKinney’s Star-Trek themed freshman tutorial.

“A strong lead reels you in and the flow keeps you going,” the judge said of the story.  “A solid feature about an interesting class that made sure to include the education importance.”

Though this wasn’t the first time The Bachelor received such an honor, it was the first time since the newspaper was moved into Division III, a more competitive division with college newspapers that circulate to up to 3,000 students.  Director of Digital Media Howard Hewitt, adviser to The Bachelor, said this means a lot considering The Bachelor staff, of roughly 20 students, receives no formal classroom training in journalism compared to the classroom opportunities and journalism programs, sometime with very large endowments, at rival schools

“It's really hard to put into perspective how significant this is when you consider other students are learning journalism on a daily basis while our guys participate in The Bachelor strictly for their own enjoyment,” he said.

The Bachelor scored 35 points on the way to receiving top honors.  DePauw University also received 35 points, tying The Bachelor.  Indiana Wesleyan University and Goshen College finished second and third respectively.


Best Breaking News Reporting
Scott Morrison ’14, “Wabash joins opposition to HJR-6”

Best News Feature Story
Samuel Vaught ’16, “Beam me up Wally”

Best Themed Issue
The Bachelor staff, Monon Bell issue

Best Entertainment Story
Morrison, “An app for that”

Best Sports News Story
Jocelyn Hopkinson ’15, “Two-time national champion”

Best Sports Page
Hopkinson, “Avoiding upsets”

Best Sports Photo
Ian Baumgardner ’14, “Swim turn”

Best Staff Editorial
The Bachelor staff, “‘Take Me Out’ confronts perceptions”


Best Feature Photo
Corey Egler ’15, “President White celebrates Wabash stories”

Best Sports Column
Ryan Lutz ’13, “Support for LGBT athletes grows”

Best Feature Page
David Myles ’14, “Going with the flow” (page 8)

Best Opinion Column
Ryan Horner ’15, “Ads Endanger Blank Space”

Best Sports Feature Story
Hopkinson, “A slightly little(r) giant”


Best Non-Deadline Reporting
Patrick Bryant ’16, “Excel distinguishes Econ Department”