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Student Profile - Patrick Rezek '15

Name and Class year: Patrick Rezek 2015

Living unit: Sigma Chi

Major: English

Campus organizations: Senior Council, SCAC, Best Buddies, Sons of Wabash, Sphinx Club

Leadership positions held on campus: Sigma Chi House Manager, SCAC Chairman

Currently serving as (student leadership position): Senior Class Agent

What made you decide to attend Wabash: It was very similar to my high school in relation to the small class size, the personal, high touch environment with fellow students, faculty, and staff. Fell in love with the culture and the ‘talking campus’; everyone seemed to have a genuine love of the school.

Favorite course thus far and why: English 350 with Warren Rosenberg. It was a class on masculinity and our ever-changing definition of what we saw masculinity to mean to us and the world around us. We explored what made us men read many books and watched several films that caused us to reflect internally on our own view of masculinity.

Favorite Wabash moment: The guarding the Monon bell my junior year when the whole campus came out for the first time (after a failed attempt by the Dannies to steal it the night before). Students from every living unit came out, socialized, and just had a great, positive environment. Also that night some pledge brothers and I accidentally chased down the newspaper delivery girl, thinking she was a Dannie, and had a unfortunate run in with her father when we chased her back to her house several miles from campus. Oops.

Favorite place on campus: Easy. Pioneer Chapel. Many times I have gone to the Chapel just to reflect, or even get away from the hustle and bustle of campus. With all the stories and memories made in this historic building, who can’t fall in love with it?

Plans after Wabash: I will be in Warsaw, Poland completing my English Teaching Assistantship, teaching at a local University, as part of the Fulbright Scholarship for nine months. Upon my return back to the United States, I will attend John Marshall Law School in Chicago, Illinois. And hopefully after that, I plan to return back to Wabash and work in either the Dean of Students Office, or with the Student Activities Director.

Tell us something very few people know about you: I had a near death experience when I was about nine years old, when I fell thirteen feet off of a high diving board onto concrete. I came away with no severe injuries from the fall and I thank God every day that I am alive and have had the amazing experiences and opportunities that my life has presented me thus far.