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Winter 2016: Voices: Neon


Outside the bar 

& high as San Francisco 

glowing behind the poet 

like an Eastern halo 

lit like a red moon 

on only one lunar eclipse 

is some kind of sign 

of an evening noon 

an imperative sight 

primarily colored 

beckoning one to live – 

blues bar – yellow cab 

red light – a pastel 

plethora – each letter 

an un-known distant star 

each word a super-nova 

bringing us the news 

of a star-lit universe 

worshiped in a church 

whose ceiling is the night 

where invisible acolytes 

must carry their electric 

candlesticks with ethereal 

ease on nights like these 

playing proverbial tricks 

on eyes like these – like ours – 

conducting a service 

to these our forgotten hours. 

—J.T. Whitehead ’87 

Reprinted with permission from The Table of Elements, 2015, The Broadkill River Press. The Table of Elements was nominated for the 2015 National Book Award.