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Coming Home 2015

HOMECOMING CHAPEL began with a song and was sealed with a kiss as the National Association of Wabash men honored its own and welcomed two outstanding women into its ranks. After the Glee Club sang “Old Wabash,” President Gregory Hess welcomed returning alumni and their families, reminding them “Wabash will always be your home.” 

Wabash was literally home for Betty Allen, a DePauw University graduate who from 1956 to 1957 lived with her then-new husband, Robert Allen ’57, in Mud Hollow, the cluster of Quonset hut–style structures built during World War II to accommodate returning veterans and their families. 

“Behind every good Wabash man is an even greater woman,” NAWM President Rick Cavanaugh ’76 noted in naming Betty an honorary alumna. “By the age of 27 you were caring for four children under the age of four, and as Bob climbed the ladder with Bell Telephone and later, AT&T, you provided stability in the home. What most people never saw when Bob traveled the world as CEO and president of AT&T was the steadfast commitment you made to raising strong, independent, thoughtful children. 

“You also supported Bob during his long tenure as a member of the Wabash College Board of Trustees. You were by his side more often than not, and you were the ultimate ‘power couple’ at our College. Together, your philanthropic gifts over the last half-century have transformed Wabash.” 

During a standing ovation as Betty stepped down from the stage after being honored, Bob Allen walked forward to help her, leaned over, and the couple gently kissed.

Kealoha Widdows H’07 

You are this College’s window to the world—our ambassador. 

Globetrotting scholar and teacher extraordinaire, your name translates to “love” and “a great friend who will always be by your side.” For nearly three decades you have stood by the sides of scores of Wabash men you have taught, mentored, loved, and cheered on with admiration. 

Your steadfast belief that your students need to see the world in order to be effective leaders in it is seen in the many immersion learning courses you have taught. And those once-unique interdisciplinary immersion learning trips are now the norm across the College.

John C. Schroeder ’69
Frank W. Misch Alumni Service Award

Throughout your professional life you have been a staunch advocate for Wabash and liberal arts education, and you are one of the most faithful— and relentless—recruiters southwest Indiana has ever seen. The word “selfless” falls short in describing your commitment to your community and the colleges that have shaped you.

William Cook ’66
Clarence A. Jackson Career Service Award

We honor you as a teacher of medieval history, art, music, and literature, and as an international travel guide without peer. You are a man of purpose, integrity, and abundant talents, and in you our students can see their College’s mission in action. You live humanely as an advocate for children—kids who are abandoned or in foster care. You give them care, hope, and education.

Dr. Stephen Jay ’63
Fredrick J. Urbaska Civic Service Award

In 2010, the Indiana Public Health Foundation gave you a Lifetime Achievement Award “in recognition of distinguished and exemplary leadership in the prevention of tobacco use.” You have demonstrated that one committed individual can make a difference in the lives of millions.

John Castro ’97
NAWM Career Services Fellow

You have made it a personal mission to strengthen the programming of the Schroeder Center for Career Development, and add innovative new efforts that will help our young men compete in a difficult marketplace.

Ryan Vaughn ’00
Jeremy Wright Young Alumnus Award

Wabash prides itself on producing well-rounded, thoughtful men who do things right and do the right thing. You are living proof of what a liberally educated person with integrity and a clear vision can accomplish, no matter how old.

Jared Grigsby ’01
Alumni Admissions Fellow

During the past three years alone you have referred 60 students to Wabash. That’s a remarkable figure, particularly given the tiny size of Hebron.

Dr. David Hayhurst ’83
Alumni Admissions Fellow

Every young man at Reitz Memorial High School knows of you and your enthusiasm for Wabash, and thanks to you, we are able to recruit students from your area every year—your love of Wabash shines through in all of these young men.

Aurelian Bukatko ’73
NAWM Career Services Fellow

You have made a career out of making good businesses better and smart executives smarter. So it comes as no surprise that our Schroeder Center for Career Development reached out to you for assistance in teaching our young men how to better prepare for careers after Wabash.