Homecoming 2017
Tell me, where is the road
I can call my own,
That I left, that I lost,
So long ago?
All these years I have wandered,
Oh, when will I know
There's a way, there's a road
That will lead me home?
–Stephen Paulus, “The Road Home”
Home isn’t just a location, people, or an idea, but a mix of all these and more.
Some people don’t have a home. Some have been displaced, others have lost theirs completely.
There are people all over the world trying to find home.
So, on this day of Homecoming, I encourage you to reflect on the beauty of this home we share in Wabash, for ourselves, for everyone.
Nathan Muha ’18, introducing Stephen Paulus’ “The Road Home” at this year’s Homecoming Concert in September.