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Fall 2019: Homecoming Awards

Homecoming Awards (Presented at Homecoming—September 28, 2019


Alumni Admissions Fellow 

One of the most well-respected teachers at Cardinal Ritter High School, you mentor and inspire your students. They admire the way you live your life and are naturally drawn to you. In turn, you direct the most talented young men in the direction of your alma mater. 

—from the citation read by NAWM President Marc Nichols ’92 

Professor of History 


Honorary Alumnus, Class of 2013 

Yours is an open table where warmth, friendship, and compassion abound. No matter where you are—leading the World History Association or Immersion Learning trips—you embody the Hoosier Hospitality of your adopted state. 

—from the citation 


Clarence A. Jackson Distinguished Career Achievement Award 

Today, you are one of the world’s leading authorities in gastroenteral physiology research and you have taught and mentored scores of medical students, scientists, and physicians who are leaders in their fields… You have risen to international prominence and have done so with principles and integrity. 

—from the citation 


Frederick J. Urbaska Distinguished Civic Service Award 

We honor you for all you have meant to the City of San Francisco, and most important, to the LGBTQ community. In 2001 you co-founded the Point Foundation, whose mission is to empower promising lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer students to achieve their full potential. The Foundation has awarded more than 400 scholarships totaling more than $35 million to talented young people who have become doctors, lawyers, politicians, and business professionals. 

—from the citation 


Frank W. Misch Distinguished Alumni Service Award 

Your deep and abiding love for Wabash began after you lost your father and saw how the College community embraced your mother. Your passion for Wabash is in your DNA, but few Wabash men demonstrate such complete and unbridled enthusiasm for their alma mater. Your fellow alumni in St. Louis and Indianapolis, and on the NAWM Board, as well as the brothers of Phi Delta Theta are all better for your enthusiasm, spirit, and dedication. 

—from the citation 


Career Services Fellow 

The staff of the Schroeder Center calls you a “Rock Star for Career Services.” That’s because since your graduation, you have rarely, if ever, said no to a request for help. You’ll do whatever it takes to make an impact on a student. 

—from the citation 


Jeremy R. Wright Young Alumnus Distinguished Service Award 

You model for everyone the virtues of a liberal arts education; you think critically, yes, but also creatively and compassionately. 

—from the citation 

After the ceremony, Coach Rob Johnson H’77 and Joe Klen ’99 came up to me, at different times, and told me who Jeremy Wright had been—outstanding runner, academic All-American, killed in Afghanistan serving his country. They wanted to make sure I got a better sense of the man the award I had just received was named after. 

Isn’t it nice that there’s a place in the world with people who care enough about one another to share a story about someone other than themselves? 

—Mark Shreve