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Steve Hoffman Homecoming Letter

July 7, 2020

Dear Wabash Alumni, Parents, and Friends,

We hope that you are doing well in this strange pandemic world in which we all live. On June 11, we announced plans for our students and the academic calendar for the fall semester. Those details can be found here.

I am writing to share news regarding Homecoming 2020, scheduled for September 18-19. We have made the decision to either postpone, cancel, or change the following Homecoming events.

Athletics Hall of Fame Induction                   Postponed to Homecoming 2021

Kane Society Reception                                 Canceled

Hollett Alumni Chapel                                    Postponed, Date TBA

Leadership Luncheon                                     Postponed, Date TBA

NAWM Board Meeting                                  Changed to a virtual meeting


We will update you as plans for the postponed events become firm. As of now, Homecoming 2021 is scheduled for September 24-25, 2021.

Homecoming at Wabash is a special time and we will miss hosting you on campus. Please continue to take care of yourselves and take care of others.

Wabash Always Fights!

Steve Hoffman

Director, Alumni and Parent Relations