9:00 a.m. Eric Wetzel: “Flukes, Snails, and a Little Sugar: The Influence of Habitat on Parasite Distribution”
9:20 a.m. Bobby Horton: Title pending
9:40 a.m. Joyce Burnett: "The Wages and Employment of Female Agricultural Laborers in England, 1740-1850"
10:00 a.m. Dennis Krause: "Quantum Mechanics meets Archimedes: Is there a Vacuum Buoyant Force?" 10:20-40 Break (Snacks in International Hall)
10:40 a.m. David Polley: "Chlamydomonas, Potassium transport and Mendel: A simple test of a working model for potassium transport"
11:00 a.m. Preston Bost: "Teaching Introductory Psychology with Modules"
11:20 a.m. Richard Nelson: "Unwinding the 'coiled spring' of embryonic development: an assessment of gene regulation during early embryonic patterning in vertebrates"
11:40 a.m. Richard Lynch: "What our staff are teaching us about C&T"
12:30-1:30 p.m. Lunch in Detchon 209
2:00 p.m. Richard Warner: "(Hi)stories from Chiapas"
2:20 p.m. Scott Feller: "Health Effects of Fish Oils: A Molecular Level Explanation?”
2:40 p.m. J.D. Phillips: “Strange Doctors or How I Learned to Quit Worrying and Love the Multiversity"
3:00-3:30 p.m. Break (Snacks in International Hall)
3:30 p.m. Todd McDormand: "Fostering Undergraduate Research in the Humanities: Three Collaborative Approaches"
3:50 p.m. Michele Pittard: "Student Teaching: Impediment of Impetus for Developing Identity?"
4:10 p.m. John Zimmerman: Digital Stops Along the Western Highway
The presentations will conclude with a reception in the Detchon International Hall. The public is welcome at the Ides of August program.