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Virtual Awards Chapel Caps Year of Academic Achievement

The end of the school year is marked with farewells and tradition. Among the oldest and most anticipated tradition at Wabash College is Awards Chapel.

Students and faculty members were honored during a virtual ceremony Thursday for their achievement, involvement, and contributions to the College.

President Scott Feller kicked off the event from Pioneer Chapel by welcoming families, friends and students watching the livestreamed event.

“We use this one night every year to lift up and honor our young men who excel in every academic discipline,” Feller said, reflecting back to last year when the annual event was held virtually for the first time due to the pandemic. “Here we are, a year later, and unfortunately we again are celebrating our students and their professors via livestream. We’ll miss the handshakes and hugs that are an important part of this night, but as with all things COVID, we persevere in order to get stronger.”

Wabash College President Scott Feller welcomes families, friends and students to the virtual Awards Chapel.Each division recognized those students who achieved distinction in comprehensive examinations and each department awarded honors to its top students. Special recognition was also given to students for exemplary work in student publications, community service, athletics and scholarship, and overall merit.

Dr. Jane Hardy, Department Chair and Associate Professor of Spanish, was honored with the McLain-McTurnan-Arnold Excellence in Teaching Award. Hardy joined the Wabash faculty in 2006, and has accompanied students and faculty to Ecuador as part of the Wabash Summer Study Program that she co-directs with Dr. Dan Rogers. She is also a long-term co-chair of the Secondary Licensure (Teacher Education) Committee, and a strong proponent of off-campus studies.

Seven members of the Class of 2021 were named George Lewes Mackintosh Fellows. The latest Fellows are: Praise Chukwuma, Joel Gunderman, Benjamin Manahan, Samuel Marksberry, Jambaldorj Ochirpurev, William Osborn and Jake Vermeulen. The George Lewes Mackintosh Memorial Fund was established in memory of the sixth president of the College. The fund provides scholarships to graduating seniors each year, without regard to need, who will be going on to graduate or professional schools. The recipients of the scholarships are designated as Mackintosh Fellows.

Justin Kopp earned the Senior Award of Merit, which is presented by the Student Senate in conjunction with the National Association of Wabash Men. The recipient must demonstrate achievement in scholarship, service, and extracurricular activities.

The Lewis Salter Memorial Award was presented to Kenny Coleman. The award is presented to a junior who best exemplifies scholarship, character, leadership, and service Dr. Salter embodied as a Wabash faculty member and as the College’s 12th president.

The Dr. Paul T. Hurt All-Around Freshman Achievement award was given to Jonathan Silva-Melendez. The award is presented by the Dean of Students from nominations submitted by all living units.

CARE Team members were honored with the Community Service Award for Outstanding Work. The award is presented to students for community service to Wabash, Crawfordsville, and Montgomery County.

“In this unusual year, shaped by constant management of COVID-19, the award is presented to the entire 52-member CARE Team,” said Dean of Students Greg Redding. “A charitable donation will be made on their behalf to the Montgomery County Free Clinic. Thank you CARE Team members.”

The Malcolm X Institute of Black Studies Service Award was given to Malcolm Lang. The award is presented to an outstanding senior who has demonstrated commitment to and unwavering support of MXIBS programs.

The Indianapolis Association of Wabash Men Scholar-Athlete Award was presented to Justin Kopp. The Pete Vaughan Outstanding Athlete Award was presented to Wesley Slaughter and Tyler Watson.

Feller concluded the evening with an optimistic outlook for the future of the College.

“Thank you for watching. By tuning in tonight, you are engaging with Wabash in new and important ways,” Feller said. “These connections will serve us well as we image with great hope and confidence, a Wabash beyond COVID and a return to our traditional form.

“Our hears soar with pride tonight as we celebrate our young men and their teachers,” the president said, “and we’re so excited to witness the many ways that they will change the world over the arc of their lives.”

See all award winners here. Download the Student Awards Chapel program here. 

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