Commencement for the Class of 2025
Date: Saturday, May 17, 2025
Time: 2:30 p.m. Eastern
Location: Little Giant Stadium (rain alternate: Chadwick Court)
Tuesday, April 8
11:10 a.m.: Briefing
Pioneer Chapel
REQUIRED—Seniors Must Attend
All graduating seniors are required to attend a briefing about Commencement and senior check-out.
Wednesday, April 9 through Wednesday, May 14
Senior Check-Out
Each senior must complete his online check-out no later than Wednesday, May 14 at 12 p.m.
Check-out information may be found here:
Students need to be aware of the policy regarding fulfillment of senior requirements. Candidates for the degree who fail to complete all of these requirements in a timely fashion will not be allowed to participate in Commencement, nor will their transcripts be released.
Thursday, May 15
9 a.m. – 5 p.m.: Senior Art Exhibition
Eric Dean Gallery, Fine Arts Center
Senior art majors will display their work.
Friday, May 16
8:30 a.m.: Deans’ Senior Breakfast
Knowling Fieldhouse, Allen Athletics Center
REQUIRED—Seniors Must Attend
Graduating seniors and faculty are invited to breakfast with Deans Todd McDorman and Greg Redding ’88. The starting time will be strictly observed. Dress for the breakfast is collared shirt and slacks.
9:30 a.m.: Commencement Rehearsal
Pioneer Chapel
REQUIRED—Seniors Must Attend
Seniors will move directly from the Deans’ Breakfast to the rehearsal. The starting time will be strictly observed.
10:15 a.m.: Commencement Rehearsal
Hall of Giants, Little Giant Stadium
Immediately following Commencement Rehearsal, seniors are invited to enjoy coffee and doughnuts with leaders of the National Association of Wabash Men, the College's alumni association.
Friday events for families of seniors, alumni, and other visitors:
9 a.m. – 5 p.m.: Senior Art Exhibition
Eric Dean Gallery, Fine Arts Center
Senior art majors will display their work.
8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.: Bookstore Open
Allen Athletics Center
3 p.m.: Phi Beta Kappa Initiation
Lovell Lecture Room, Baxter Hall
All are welcome to attend the initiation ceremony, which will be followed by a reception for family and friends in the Rogge Lounge in Baxter Hall.
Saturday, May 17
Seniors and Faculty must arrive at 10:30 a.m. for Baccalaureate and 2 p.m. for Commencement. It takes 30 minutes to line up seniors by name. Be on time and quickly find your place.
Seniors march in alphabetical order—led by the two Commencement speakers. At the head of the procession is Faculty Marshal James Cherry, who will direct the seating.
10:30 a.m.: Formation of the Academic
Procession for Baccalaureate
Sidewalk East of Center Hall
In the event of rain, the procession will form in Baxter Hall.
11 a.m.: Baccalaureate Chapel
Pioneer Chapel
The Baccalaureate sermon will be given by the Rt. Rev. Zachary Hoover ’01. Rev. Hoover is the executive director of LA Voice and is in his 18th year of organizing with PICO California and Faith in Action.
10 a.m. – 2 p.m.: Senior Art Exhibition
Eric Dean Gallery, Fine Arts Center
Senior art majors will display their work.
12 p.m.: Commencement Buffet
Knowling Fieldhouse, Allen Athletics Center
A buffet lunch will be served for graduating seniors and their families. Tickets are required – order your tickets online here.
11 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.: Bookstore Open
Allen Athletics Center
1:30 p.m.: Legacy Photographs
Sidewalk East of Center Hall
Senior legacies are invited to have their picture taken with family members at no charge.
2 p.m.: Formation of the Academic
Procession for Commencement
Sidewalk East of Center Hall
In the event of rain, the procession will form in the main hallway of the Allen Athletics Center.
2:30 p.m.: 187th Commencement Ceremony
Little Giant Stadium
In the event of rain, the ceremony will be held in Chadwick Court. Complimentary photographs will be taken of your son after he receives his diploma and will be mailed after Commencement.