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High School Student Artists Display Their Art at Wabash College

Crawfordsville, IN — Safe Haven is the theme for an exhibit of some of the finest high school students’ work in Indiana and the surrounding states and it will be the feature event during this year’s ART BASH. A conference for high school art educators and their most serious students, ART BASH is presented by the Wabash College Art Department. This year each teacher will bring two student artists and those students’ work to Wabash. The conference takes place in the Fine Arts Center on Friday, November 7 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

ART BASH began in 1993 and has been so well received by high school art teachers that it was repeated in 1995, 1997, and 2000.

While ART BASH serves to familiarize high school teachers with the art program and facilities at Wabash, it also provides an enlivening interaction among the teachers, their students and the Wabash Art Department. The day begins with a continental breakfast and tours of the Randolph H. Deer Art Wing of the Fine Arts Center. Next is a one-hour panel discussion with alumni who were art majors or minors while students at Wabash and make their careers in the arts professions. The participants are: Robbie Brundige, an architect with Fitzgerald Associates in Chicago; Tom Denari, executive vice president for Young and Larimore Advertising in Indianapolis; Nate Quinn, a Broadway set painter, teacher, and artist in New York City; and Chris Rozzi, a senior graphic designer at the Indianapolis Children’s Museum.

Following the alumni panel discussion, Wabash College art professors Greg Huebner, Doug Calisch, and Elizabeth Lee will present on topics ranging from sources of inspiration to the creative process to a discussion of art history. After lunch, the group will move into the galleries where an afternoon critiquing session will give the young artists valuable feedback on their works. At 3 p.m. the conference closes and the exhibition, Safe Haven opens.

This exhibit will feature the work of high school artists from Indiana and the surrounding states. The assignment is to convey the artist’s own view of the concept of Safe Haven. They may communicate this theme in any form, in any medium. Greg Huebner selected the theme for this show early last spring. This conference was in the planning stages as the war in Iraq was about to commence. There was so much turmoil and conflict in the world and Huebner’s thoughts were of the young participants and their future. “What is good or has value to these young artists? What is each artist’s place of comfort or safety, what helps reassure them, what is their safe haven?” Safe Haven and the ways in which the artists will express it will provide a lively show. Each work will be accompanied by a short artist’s statement that will help the viewer understand the answers to these questions.

The opening reception for Safe Haven is from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. and visitors will have a chance to mingle with the artists and their teachers. Refreshments will be served.