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Rogge Lecture To Be Given By Economist William Easterly

William Easterly
CRAWFORDSVILLE, Ind. — Wabash College invites you to hear William Easterly as he lectures on “The Elusive Quest for Growth: Economists’ Adventures and Misadventures in the Tropics” on Monday, November 10 at 7:30 p.m. in Korb Classroom in the Fine Arts. Easterly is presenting the 2003 Benjamin A. Rogge Memorial Lecture.

Easterly is a professor of economics at New York University, associate editor of the Journal of Development Economics, and editor of the Berkeley Electronics Press Journal of Economics and Growth of Developing Areas.

He has spent 16 years as a research economist at the World Bank and is the author of the acclaimed book, The Elusive Quest for Growth: Economists’ Adventures and Misadventures in the Tropics (MIT, 2001), and numerous articles in leading economics journals and general interest publications.

Easterly’s areas of expertise are the determinants of long-run economic growth and the effectiveness of development assistance efforts. He has worked in many areas of the developing world, most extensively in Africa, Latin America, and Russia. He received his Ph.D. in economics at MIT.

Robert Solow, professor of economics, emeritus at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Nobel Laureate in Economics had this to say about Easterly, “William Easterly knows his way not only around economics but also around the developing world. He has written a hard-nosed book about the hardest problem of all: how to get the poorest countries on a path of sustained growth.”

Easterly’s lecture is free and open to the public. This annual event honors the late Wabash College professor of economics, Ben Rogge.