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Wamidan World Music Ensemble and Jazz Band to Perform in Concert at Wabash

CRAWFORDSVILLE, IND. - Wamidan, the World Music Ensemble at Wabash College and the Wabash College Jazz Band, will be sharing the stage in an evening of African and Jazz music and dances. The concert will be held on Tuesday, November 18 at 8 p.m. in Salter Concert Hall in the Fine Arts Center.

Admission to the concert is free. The public is cordially invited. Those attending the concert are urged to contribute to a Sudan relief effort sponsored by the Wabash Music Department and St. John’s Episcopal Church. Donations of school supplies, eye glasses, and money are encouraged.

The Wamidan ensemble will open the first part of the program with instrumental music, songs and dances. The instruments featured include African bow harps, bowl lyres, log xylophones, tube fiddles, drums, and folk dances. Participating dancers include Montgomery County residents Caity Charles, Lyndsay Goebel, Stacy Klingler, and Wabash student Dunmoni Olwabi. Wamidan is directed by James Makubuya.

In the second part of the program, the Jazz Band will be performing a number of selections including arrangements by Gershwin, Garland, Robinette, and Klemmer-Lewis. The Jazz Band is directed by Stephen Robinette.