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Call for Technology Proposals, Budget Year 2004-05

The mission of the Technology Advisory Committee (TAC) is to consider how the faculty and staff of Wabash College can best use technology to define effective liberal arts education in the 21st century in a manner that is consistent with the Strategic Plan.  We have formulated an outline and questions (on the reverse) to guide technology proposals for 2004–2005.  These budget proposals are an opportunity for assessment of our current technology, consideration of opportunities for training and learning, and reflection about the future directions of technology at Wabash.

As in the previous year, we face limited funds for new technology.  Whereas in past years we have tried to slow the growth of the lease budget, we are now in the position of keeping that budget flat while bringing the renovated Goodrich Hall on line.  Nonetheless, exciting and original technology proposals need to be reviewed.  Budget constraints will affect acquisition of new equipment but all proposals will be considered.  Furthermore, the TAC and Computer Services would like to continue to plan for the future.  Proposals for technology plans in the next 2–3 years, particularly major items, are welcome.

Current leased systems will continue to be replaced on schedule and do not need to be requested for replacement at this time.  Under separate cover, Brad Weaver will be sending budget managers a list of computers currently in use in their area of responsibility.  This list will indicate when computers will be replaced under the College's lease policy.  If, however, a department does anticipate major changes or upgrades, chairs or supervisors should submit requests using the questions below outlining why and how the department’s technology needs will change.

Computer Services and the TAC will be looking for ways to combine and share resources and coordinate proposals across campus in which departments with similar needs and goals might be able to share technological solutions.  Collaboration need not be limited to Wabash College.  The Midwestern Instructional Technology Center (MITC) offers a wide range of opportunities to explore new teaching technologies and to learn about existing ones as well as to network with GLCA/ACM colleagues.  Programs include introductions to discussion boards or web authoring; symposia organized by discipline such as the humanities or economics; and specific initiatives in art, music, bioinformatics, ethics, and more. See

Guidelines and resources for preparing technology proposals are available in the "Proposal Guidelines" PDF document below.  Chairs and supervisors should collect requests and submit proposals to Jamie Ross (, x6302) by January 9th, 2004.  Computer Services will review all proposals for implementation and support requirements.

For more information see: