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Spring Semester Blackboard Courses

Just in time for Christmas, the spring 2004 courses are now available in Blackboard. You should now be able to view and add content to these courses as you wish.

Having Trouble Seeing Courses?
If you are having trouble seeing your courses on your login page after you have logged in, you may have customized, or need to customize, your course view in the 'My Courses' module. Instructions for doing this can be viewed at:

Changing the Title of Your Course
While I have proofread most of the course titles, some of you may wish to clarify the title of your course in Blackboard. If you send me an email, I will edit this for you. (This will only change the appearance of the course title in Blackboard - it will not have an effect on registrar data.) This may be especially useful for those of you teaching more than one section of a course that has an identical title.

Combining Multiple Course Sections
If you wish to combine multiple sections of a course into one large Blackboard course, please contact me with the course ID and section numbers as soon as possible.

Copying Course Materials
If you have an course from a previous semester that you would like to copy the data from that class into this semester's course shell, just send me an email with the respective course numbers and we can take care of that too.