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Please read the author’s guidelines below before submitting an essay. If you have already reviewed the guidelines, click here to submit a piece for consideration.

Guidelines for Authors

Essays submitted for LiberalArtsOnline may be on any topic related to liberal arts education. We invite you to present opinions or personal experiences, discuss research or professional work, highlight liberal arts practices on your campus, review presentations or conferences, relate concerns or praise about liberal arts education today, respond to previous articles in LiberalArtsOnline or other publications, or express other ideas relating to liberal arts education.

Submissions should relate to the purpose of the Center of Inquiry in the Liberal Arts:

The mission of the Center of Inquiry in the Liberal Arts is to explore, test, and promote liberal arts education. The goal of liberal arts education is to create an attitude of intellectual openness, especially to inquiry, discovery, new ideas, and varied perspectives. Liberal arts education should cultivate both the eagerness to grapple with difficult questions and the willingness to develop and enact provisional answers to these questions. Liberal arts education should lead us to carefully examine our own and others’ beliefs, actions, and values.

Articles should also encourage readers to reflect on and critically examine the values and purpose of liberal arts education.  

Essays submitted for LiberalArtsOnline should be 750-1,500 words long. In general, shorter pieces are preferred. They should be written in an accessible style that recognizes the diverse lay and professional readers of Center of Inquiry publications. Currently our main audience is faculty and staff at liberal arts colleges, but LiberalArtsOnline is intended for anyone interested in liberal arts education. We occasionally republish articles from other sources.

We pay $500 for essays we accept for publication in LiberalArtsOnline.

Submissions may be made online, emailed to, or mailed to:

LiberalArtsOnline Editor
Center of Inquiry in the Liberal Arts
Wabash College
PO Box 352
Crawfordsville, IN 47933

We reserve the right to edit submissions for length and style, with authors having the opportunity to review their edited essays before electronic publication. We also reserve the right to decide at any point not to publish a submission. We make every effort to inform authors promptly when we have decided not to disseminate an essay.

The following information appears with each published LiberalArtsOnline article:

"The comments published in LiberalArtsOnline reflect the opinions of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the Center of Inquiry or Wabash College. Responses may be sent to Comments may be quoted or republished in full, with attribution to the author, LiberalArtsOnline, and the Center of Inquiry in the Liberal Arts at Wabash College."

If you have questions about submitting an essay or would like to discuss an idea for an article, please contact the editor, Kathleen Wise, at