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Faculty Publications

  • Professor of Chemistry emeritus Paul McKinney ’52 published "Two Deltons: An Inseparable Schrodinger Equation" in the International Journal for Quantum Chemistry. He was also the co-author, with Professor of Chemistry Rich Dallinger and Associate Professor of Chemistry Scott Feller, of "A Program of Computational Chemistry Exercises for the First-Semester General Chemistry Course," published in the February 2004 issue of the Journal of Chemical Education.

  • Professor of Theater Jim Fisher’s essays, "The Little Theatre   Movement," "Norman Krasna," "Zona Gale," "Mac Wellman," "Charles Ludlam," "Three Men on a  Horse," "Metamora; or The Last of the Wampanoags," and "The   Elephant Man," were published in Companion to American Drama. His book reviews on "The Art of Crafty Playmaking" by Allen Aychkbourn; "The Audience & the Playwright" by Mayo Simon; "Edward Albee: A Casebook;" "The WWW virtual library of the Theatre and drama:  URL:; and " an electronoic Eugene O’Neill archive," were published in Choice. His book reviews, "Understanding Luigi Pirandello" and "Pirandello & His Muse" were published in the Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism.

  • Assistant Professor of Speech Todd McDorman’s essay, "Promoting Undergraduate Research in the Humanities: Three Collaborative Approaches," was published in Council on Undergraduate Research Quarterly in March.

  • The American Civil War through British Eyes: Dispatches from Diplomats, edited by Professor of History James Barnes H’91 and Research Assistant Patience Barnes, was published by the Kent State University Press in July 2003. "The issues raised by these dispatches are crucial ones for the study of the Civil War," the publisher says. "And this volume, the first of a three-volume collection, fills an important void for students and scholars of the war." Read more about the book at:

  • Professor of Classics John Fischer H’70’s article, "Sanides and Sanidia" was published in Gestures: Essays in Ancient History, Literature, and Philosophy presented by Alan L. Boegehold.

  • Associate Professor of English Joy Castro’s article, "Why a Small Liberal Arts College Could Be Your Kid’s Best Choice," was published in Hip Mama, a progressive parenting magazine. The article was based on research supported by the Center of  Inquiry in the Liberal Arts. Professor Castro’s essay, "The Athens of the Midwest"—originally presented on campus as a humanities colloquium, was published in Cream City Review, Vol. 27.2 (2003).

  • An article by Professor of Psychology Carl ThompsonAndrew Brannon ’96, and Andrew Heck ’96, "Emotional fever after habituation to the temperature-recording procedure," was published in Physiology & Behavior 80 (2003) 103-108.

  • An article by Associate Professor of Biology Eric Wetzel and Eric Shreve ’03, "The influence of habitat on the distribution and abundance of metacercariae of Macravestibulum obtusicaudum (Pronocephalidae) in a small Indiana  stream," was published in The Journal of Parasitology 89 (5):1088-1090.

  • An article previously published by Professor of Religion Emeritus Raymond Williams H’68 was digitized as the introduction to "Digital Shikshapatri," a project of Oxford University’s Bodleian Library that provides online access to a fragile Sanskrit manuscript written by Shree Swaminaryan, founder of the Swaminarayan sect of Hinduism. View the manuscript and article at: