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Wabash Moments: A winner defined

When former Woodberry Forest School and Blue Ridge School wrestling coach Dick Glover '65 was named to the National Wrestling Hall of Fame this fall for his lifetime service to the sport, he had this to say at his induction ceremony:

"One of the most important tasks in coaching is to get kids to try hard, but yet to relax and keep things in perspective. To minimize the paralyzing 'fear of failure' which inhibits effective performance, I typically inflict the following homily on my ninth grade football and varsity wrestling teams:

'Boys, you should realize that you don't have 100-percent control over whether you are going to win or lose. You might become the victim of bad luck, or your opponent might simply be better than you are. You do, however, have 100-percent control over how well you prepare, how hard you compete, and how you handle yourself in victory and defeat.

'You are not ennobled by victory in an athletic contest, nor are you denigrated by defeat. Rather, it is how you prepare, how you compete, and perhaps most importantly, how you react to victory or defeat, which is the true indication of your character.

'If you prepare with rigor, dedication, and commitment, if you compete to the best of your ability, always fight, and never give up, and if you are magnanimous, humble, and gracious in victory and can accept defeat with equanimity and without alibis, then, gentlemen, you are winners.'"