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Review of the National Survey of Student Engagement


The National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) collects information from thousands of college students nationwide about their participation in programs and activities related to student learning and personal development. Using this survey, colleges can find out detailed information regarding the frequency that students engage in activities such as communicating with instructors, discussing classroom material with other students, and attending cultural activities. Although most questions on the survey relate to college experiences, several questions relate to outcomes of interest, such as students’ satisfaction with their college experience and the extent of impact they believe their college experience is having on their knowledge, skills, and personal development in 16 specified areas. Campuses that are members of a multi-institution consortium can add extra items to the standard NSSE, and although not described in this review, the Faculty Survey of Student Engagement, FSSE, can be administered in conjunction with the NSSE to provide a more comprehensive examination of the teaching and learning environment on a college campus. The NSSE is typically administered to first-year and senior students concurrently in the spring of the academic year. The survey can be administered annually or at longer intervals for the benefits of over-time data. The NSSE provides rich information for campus self-study and improvement initiatives, and many institutions have incorporated select findings into their public relations and marketing efforts. Although NSSE was not developed to specifically assess liberal arts educational processes and outcomes, its comprehensive scope and focus on "best practices" in undergraduate education and its widespread, successful application for institutional improvement in scores of liberal arts college settings, suggest its appropriateness for this purpose.

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