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Here are the instruments recommended:


The College Student Survey (CSS) provides valuable feedback on your students' academic and campus life experiences--information that can be used for student assessment activities, accreditation and self-study reports, campus planning, and policy analysis (Higher Education Research Institute, 2003).


Your First College Year (YFCY) is a survey designed to provide higher education practitioners and researchers with comprehensive information on the academic and personal development of first-year college students (Higher Education Research Institute, 2003).


The Measure of Moral Orientation (MMO) is an instrument that measures the ethics of care and justice as typically associated with the work of Lawrence Kohlberg and Carol Gilligan.  It is an 89-item self-report inventory that is "designed to assess the moral orientation of college students" (Liddell, Halpin & Halpin, 1992, p. 325).