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ITS Launches Lab Tracker Tool

Heading to a computer lab? Check our real-time lab use tracker to see which labs are full, and which have computers available.

Over the summer, Computer Services developed lab tracking tool to show, in real time, how heavily our computer labs are being used. Wabash's computer labs are spread throughout campus, and students tend to go to the lab that is physically closest to them, regardless of system availability. The lab tracker tool will let students easily find available computers. Students can check from any Internet-connected computer, and the most popular computer labs will have machines dedicated to running the lab tracker tool, so students can find alternative locations when a lab is full.

The lab tracker will help guide strategic decisions about location of computer labs, upgrade cycles, and quantity of computers available. 

Future enhancements will tie the lab tracker to the campus scheduler application, so that lab hours of operation will be reflected in the display.

For more information see: