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Mathematics & Computer Science Department Announces Mathematica Tutorials

For those of you interested in learning more about the software package Mathematica and how to better use it, the Math & CS department is offering a series of tutorials to help you do just that.

Each Tuesday through the end of the semester, at 11:15am in Hays Hall 104, we will go through a new topic, starting with the very basic and moving to more advanced topics.  The first session assumes no prior experience, but beyond that the lessons build on each other.  The schedule for the first few weeks is:

     Nov  2:  Mathematica Introduction

     Nov  9:  Arithmetic and Symbolic Manipulations
     Nov 16:  Graphics

Other topics include: Assignments and replacement rules, Mathematica's internal structure, constructing functions, procedural programming, pure functions, packages, importing data, etc.

We won't take roll and, of course, everyone is welcome to any or all of the sessions.