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Media Center Announces Spring Workshop Series

The Media Center is offering several short courses this semester to introduce you to some of the cool things you can do with the software and equipment available to you in the Media Center.

Learn how to bring your lessons to life with video, sound and pictures. Create or edit photographs in Photoshop, learn about Powerpoint presentations and much more!

These classes are open to the entire Wabash community.

All classes will be taught in the Lilly Library, next to the Reference Desk on the first floor.  No registration is required.  Just show up!

Here is our training schedule for this semester:

February 24  Thursday 11:00 am Introduction to Photoshop
March 17 Thursday 11:00 am ArtStor
March 22 Tuesday 11:00 am Introduction to Powerpoint
March 31 Thursday 4:30 pm ElementK
April 12 Tuesday 4:30 pm Introduction to Movie Maker

If you can't attend class you can contact us (361-6451) and we would be happy to schedule a time to give you a short introduction to any of the software programs or functions we have available in the Media Center.

If you would like to discuss a project you are considering or have any questions about the Media Center please contact Jeana Rogers in the Media Center at 361-6251.

For more information see: