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Presidential Vocation and Institutional Mission CIC Seminars for Presidents and Prospective Presidents Planning Meeting

On March 20 and 21, the leadership group for the Council of Independent Colleges (CIC) Seminars on Presidential Vocation and Institutional Mission will gather at the Center of Inquiry for event-planning discussions. The objective of this meeting is to produce a program plan for each of the seminars that is coherent, intellectually and spiritually rich, and welcoming to people with widely varied faith commitments. Participants will also work to choose most, if not all, of the readings and session topics.  

The Presidential Vocation and Institutional Mission program’s purpose comes from the idea that presidents of colleges and universities need to discover, or rediscover, their own sense of vocation and to connect it to the mission and self-definition of the institution that each of them leads. CIC received a grant from the Lilly Endowment to conduct a three-year program that encourages and nurtures this process of discovery and connection. It will center on seminars that encourage personal reflection on the issues of mission and vocation. One set of seminars will serve current presidents and another set will be for individuals who may have a calling to a presidency.

Participants Institution
Bill Frame Augsburg College
Jean Dowdall Witt/Kieffer Education and Not-for-Profit Practice
Jake Jacobsen Messiah College
Shirley Showalter Fetzer Institute
Raymond Williams Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning in Theology and Religion
Richard Ekman The Council of Independent Colleges
Fred Ohles The Council of Independent Colleges
Hal Hartley The Council of Independent Colleges
Melanie Morey NarrowGate Consulting
Andrew Ford Wabash College


Sunday, March 20th

4.00 Guest Check-in

Monday, March 21th

7.30 - 8.30 

Working Breakfast, Trippet Dining Room
Guest Room Check-out, Trippet Front Desk

  • Introductions
  • Review our agenda for today
  • Further planning discussions we expect to have by phone
8.30 - 9.45    

What shall we try to accomplish (in each seminar, and for current or prospective presidents and spouses) in respect to: Trippet 325

  • "Self-knowledge"?
  • "Calling"?
  • "Institutional Mission"?
  • "Alignment" of Vocation and Mission?
  • Faith-based or Secular?
  • Vocational Development?
  • Institutional Development?



10.00 - 11.00      

What shall we attempt in the first two of four sessions in each seminar? Trippet 325
With the aid of what material and learning process?

11.00 - 12.00 What shall we attempt in the second pair of sessions in each seminar? Trippet 325
With the aid of what material and learning process?
12.00 - 1.00 Lunch, Trippet Dining Room
1.00 - 3.30

Resume and complete the morning's work, or commence discussion of: Trippet 325

  • Function, form, and evaluation of fall consultations with presidents and prospective presidents? Spouses?
  • Function, form, and evaluation of winter consultation (in conjunction with CIC national meetings)? Spouses?
  • Marketing?
  • Selecting participants?
3.30 - 4.00 What do we still have to do? Trippet 325
4.00 Adjourn