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IT Services Announces Directory Prize Winners

To promote our new enhanced on-line student directory, all students who loaded information during the first week were eligible for a prize drawing.  By the contest deadline, 332 students had updated their personal directory information

Apple iPod Shuffle
Chandler Troy and Julian Moreaux

Apple iTunes $15.00 Gift Card
Greg Adams, Ian McGriff, Thomas Elliott, Kiel Hansen, Joseph Asay, Austin Crowder, Jonathan Emmert, Kyle O'Keefe, Matt Roark, and Michael Balanger

Thank you to all students who loaded information into the on-line directory, and to departments who furnished prizes for the drawing: public affairs, alumni affairs, business office, off-campus studies, Dean of the College's office, registrar's office, CAE, student activities, admissions, and Lilly Library.

For more information see: