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IT Services Surveying Students on Technology at Wabash

From April 18 - April 29, IT Services is surveying students on use and opinion of technology at Wabash. Questions cover computer ownership, phone and email use, computer labs, Internet, and network access.

IT Services will use information learned from the survey to aid in planning upcoming technology initiatives.  The 2004 student technology survey was instrumental in several projects this year, including expanding our wireless networking coverage, improving email spam blocking, and enhancing the on-line student directory to include cell phone numbers and instant messenger handles.

The 2005 survey is available on line, and takes about five minutes to complete. Students can access the survey at the following web site:

As thanks for completing the survey, all students who complete the survey by 5pm on April 29 will be entered into a prize drawing for a Sony PSP gaming system.  The PSP winner will be announced on May 2.

Reults of the survey will be posted on the Technology web site in late May.