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Liberal Arts Education Assessment Website

Welcome to the Liberal Arts Education Assessment Website, an informative resource for faculty and administrators deliberate about making their liberal arts institutions better through reflective assessment.

About Us
Read more about the purpose of the Liberal Arts Education Assessment Website and how to contact us.

Why Assessing Liberal Arts Education is Important
Read about the Center of Inquiry’s assessment philosophy; review questions that can help you think reflectively about the connections between liberal arts education and assessment; link to recommended readings on liberal arts outcomes and assessment.   

Assessing Liberal Arts Outcomes
Find information about the Center of Inquiry’s seven liberal arts outcomes as well as descriptions of various approaches to assessing these outcomes.

Quantitative Assessment Tools
View information that highlights possible ways to use quantitative tools to assess liberal arts outcomes; read about individual quantitative assessment tools.

Qualitative Assessment Methods
Read about qualitative research methods and possible ways to use them to assess liberal arts outcomes.

Institutional Assessment Tools
View descriptions of qualitative institutional assessment tools.

Classroom Assessment Tools
View descriptions of qualitative classroom assessment tools.

Other Resources
Link to related foundations, websites of interest, and helpful readings.