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Assessing Liberal Arts Outcomes

The Center of Inquiry is dedicated to a multi-method, "inquiry-centered" approach. That is, rather than starting with an epistemological commitment to any particular research tool, we start with a commitment to inquiry and evidence. This means that we:

  • ask challenging questions about the impact of liberal arts education
  • gather deep and rich evidence to answer those questions
  • use an array of tools and methods so that we gather our evidence from multiple perspectives
  • advocate that you begin with the methodologies of your discipline—approaches that you are comfortable with—and then expand to other methods as needed

The Wabash National Study of Liberal Arts Education: Liberal Arts Outcomes
Read about the seven elements of a liberal arts education the Wabash National Study of Liberal Arts Education will examine.

The following seven liberal arts outcomes from the Wabash National Study represent a subset of the outcomes historically claimed for liberal arts education. In the section below you will find descriptions of how you might approach assessment of each outcome from a mixed method approach.

This section of our website is currently under construction. The information will be available by November 1, 2005.

Effective Reasoning and Problem Solving

Inclination to Inquire and Lifelong Learning

Integration of Learning

Intercultural Effectiveness


Moral Character
