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Below you will find excerpts from common instruments that could be used to gain a first glimpse into the liberal arts education outcome of Leadership. Questions may deal with student experiences, student priorities, or more direct indicators of the outcome. For each instrument, we note the question numbers and year (where available) for the version we reference.

College Student Survey (CSS) 2004
Your First College Year (YFCY) 2004
The Freshman Survey (CIRP) 2003
National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) 2003
HEDS: The Senior Survey
HEDS: Alumni Survey

College Student Survey (CSS) 2004

6.  Since entering college have you:

  • Participated in leadership training.
7.  Since entering college, indicate how often you:
  • Voted in a student election
  • Tutored another college student
9.  Please rate your satisfaction with your current (or most recent) college in:
  • Leadership opportunities
15.   For the activities listed, please indicate how often you engaged in each during the past year:
  • Performed volunteer work
  • Participated in organized demonstrations
16. During the past year, how much time did you spend during a typical week doing the following activities?
  • Volunteer work
17. What do you plan to be doing six months from now?
  • Doing volunteer work
18.  Compared with when you first started college, how would you now describe your:
  • Leadership abilities
19.   Indicate the importance to you personally of each of the following:
  • Influencing the political structure
  • Influencing social values
  • Helping others who are in difficulty
  • Becoming involved in programs to clean up the environment
  • Participating in a community action program
  • Helping to promote racial understanding
  • Keeping up to date with political affairs
  • Becoming a community leader
23.   Rate yourself on each of the following traits as compared with the average person your age:
  • Cooperativeness
  • Leadership ability
  • Self-understanding

Your First College Year (YFCY) 2004

9.  Rate yourself on each of the following traits as compared with the average person your age:

  • Leadership ability
10.  Since entering this college, how often have you:
  • Performed volunteer work
12.  Indicate the importance to you personally of each of the following:
  • Influencing the political structure
  • Influencing social values
  • Participating in a community action program
  • Helping to promote racial understanding
  • Keeping up to date with political affairs
  • Becoming a community leader
20.  Compared with when you entered this college, how would you now describe your:
  • Ability to work as part of a team
22.  Since entering this college, how much time have you spent during a typical week doing the following activities?
  • Volunteer work

The Freshman Survey (CIRP) 2003

25.  For the activities listed, indicate which ones you did during the past year, as well as how frequently you engaged in the activity:

  • Performed volunteer work
  • Voted in a student election
30.  Rate yourself on each of the following traits as compared with the average person your age:
  • Cooperativeness
  • Leadership ability
  • Self understanding
34. During the last year in high school, how much time did you spend during a typical week doing the following activities:
  • Volunteer work
38.  Please indicate the importance to you personally of each of the following:
  • Influencing the political structure
  • Influencing social values
  • Helping others who are in difficulty
  • Becoming involved in programs to clean up the environment
  • Participating in a community action program
  • Helping to promote racial understanding
  • Keeping up to date with political affairs
  • Becoming a community leader

National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) 2003

1. In your experience at your institution during the current school year, about how often have you done each of the following:
     j. Tutored or taught other students (paid or voluntary)

7. Which of the following have you done or do you plan to do before you graduate from this institution?

  • Community service or volunteer work
11. To what extent has your experience at this institution contributed to your knowledge, skills, and personal development in the following areas? 
     h. Working effectively with others
     i. Voting in local, state, or national elections
     k. Understanding yourself
     o. Contributing to the welfare of your community

HEDS: The Senior Survey

7.  When thinking about a career, how important to you is each of the following considerations:

  • Work for social change
  • Leadership potential
11.  Please indicate the extent to which your undergraduate experiences enhanced your ability to:
  • Function effectively as a member of a team
  • Lead and supervise tasks and groups of people
  • Understand myself (abilities, interests, limitations, and personality)
12. Which of the following did you participate in during college?
  • Leadership training
13.  In which years, during college, did you actively participate in any of the following:
  • Student government
  • Volunteer service
15.  During your senior year how much time did you spend per week, on average, on the following:
  • Volunteering

HEDS: Alumni Survey

1.  Please indicate how important each of the following is in both your personal and professional life, and the extent to which each capacity was enhanced by your undergraduate experiences:

  • Understand myself
  • Function independently without supervision
  • Lead and supervise tasks and groups of people
  • Function effectively as a member of a team
6.  Please evaluate each of the following undergraduate activities for your level of involvement while an undergraduate. For those activities in which you were involved, please evaluate the contribution of each activity to your personal or professional life after graduation. 
  • Community service
  • Political organization or club
13.  To what extent have you voluntarily participated in the following organizations since graduating from your alma mater:
  • Civic/community
  • Political
  • Service (e.g., Rotary, Kiwanis)