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Upgraded Armory Lab Reopens August 1

The Armory computer lab reopened August 1, after several enhancements were made to the lab in late July.

The lab was repainted and has new carpet. Upgraded air conditioning provides better temperature and humidity control, and the computer arrangement has been altered to provide better traffic flow and more comfortable work space.

The computers were replaced as well, under the College's 3-year replacement cycle. There are 11 new Dell PCs, featuring Intel Pentium 4 processors, 1GB RAM, CD burners, and 17" flat panel displays.  Three Apple iMacs, with G4 processors, 1GB RAM, Superdrives (CD/DVD burners), and 17" flat panel displays, complete the 14-station lab.

The Armory Lab has expanded to the study lounge in the basement of the Armory. This space now features thirteen identically-configured Dell PCs and a printer. In total, the Armory, which is open for student use 24 hours/day during the school year, now offers 24 Dell PCs and 3 Apple iMacs.

Beginning August 25, the lab will be staffed by student operators from 7pm-midnight, Sunday through Thursday.

Many of these improvements are in response to the student technology survey, in which 54% of students indicated there were not enough computers in the Armory Lab.

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