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Meet New Faculty: Rasmus Hansen

Rasmus Hansen is a visiting professor in Physics from Denmark. Before he came to Wabash College he spent his time as a lecturer at the University of Oxford.

"The difference between European Universities we do not have a course spread requirement," Hansen said. "You basically only study two subjects, which are your major and minor.  And that of course that makes a difference because then you get people who are interested in doing just one thing, but here at Wabash students are forced to get a broad education."

Hansen is teaching Physics 111. "That the physics class for everyone" Hansen said. "Of course, you have students in that class, who aren’t going to be physics majors, and I’ve never taught people who don’t major in physics and that is a challenge for me because I really have to consider how I am going to present things, and that is a very important lesson to learn."

Hansen received his first two degrees from the University of Copenhagen and went on to the University of Oxford to do his doctoral study.

"I thought it was a really beautiful campus," Hansen said about his first visit to Wabash. "I really loved the trees and the arboretum.  The campus is extremely classic in many ways and in that sense it is very similar to the campuses I’m used to in Europe."

"And then I was taken to the back of the campus and saw this gargantuan athletic facility. There are 30,000 students at Oxford and they don’t have anything like that." Hansen said.

While Hansen is not busy teaching he spends his time raising his two cats, Monkey and Feebee.

Hansen also would like to join the fencing club at Wabash.

"I used to do a little fencing when I was younger, and I think I would like to get back into it."