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Dear Little Career Giant I

Dear Little Career Giant,

I’m a sophomore and am getting ready to declare my major.  I like History but I’m not sure what I can do with a history major career-wise.  Can you help?

Mulling It Over

Dear Mulling,

I’m glad to hear that you’ve found a subject area that you like.  I would actually encourage you to think about your question in a different way to get your answer.  What CAN’T you do with a history major? The answer is: there’s not a lot you can’t do.  One of the great things about a liberal arts education is that you get the opportunity to explore a variety of academic disciplines.  In the process you learn to learn.  You also learn skills that employers crave; writing, critical and analytical thinking, etc.  How and where you put those skills into action is up to you.

I’m also glad to hear you’re thinking about this in your sophomore year.  You’ll have time to do internships, talk with alumni, participate in career fairs and events, and generally learn more about the job market and how you fit in, considering your interest area.

We do have interest inventories that you can take that will help you identify career fields that may interest you and also identify ones that might not.  To take an inventory, make an appointment with Career Services.  We also have books and periodicals describing a wide variety of career fields and options.  We also sponsor events that allow you to connect with alumni, employers and graduate schools, and that let you ‘try out’ career fields.  Wabash has a constant series of lectures, presentations, and speakers that will help you become aware of career options as well.

The key is to get involved and do it early in your college career.  Knowledge is power and power equals a greater potential for success.  Start gaining that knowledge now.

Little Career Giant

Send your question to Little Career Giant at  Include your real name and your email (we’ll give you a pseudonym if you like).  When we use your question you’ll receive a $10 gift certificate to Arni’s.