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"When was the last time you walked into a room filled with paintings that made you stop dead in your tracks and exclaim, ‘Ohmigosh!’?" reviewer April Watson wrote about a 2004 exhibit of the work of Mark Brosmer ’85.

The former art major/theater minor describes his paintings as "dreamscapes where the real and unreal fill the canvas equally—poetic allusions that stretch the imagination and welcome contemplation."

"The places I’ve created in my paintings are representative of our earth as we know it, yet more distant than we would care to imagine," Brosmer says. He’s not fond of artists’ statements.

"I once put up a show where the only ‘statement’ I wrote was, ‘I’m a Gemini!’"

That dualism extends to his vocation: He calls himself "a painter who also paints." When not brushing canvas, he covers wood—as a housepainter. All to make ends meet at his Eagle Rock, CA home near Los Angeles and to continue to show (and, increasingly, sell) his art at California, Texas, and Indiana galleries, in one- or two-man shows, and in special events such as the recent Venice Art Walk.

"Big, bold and surreal in an orderly way," a Los Angeles Times reviewer called Brosmer’s paintings, noting that "beyond the playful trompe l’oeil effects, ecological messages arise."

With the launch of his new website, those messages, and that work, are gaining new admirers.

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