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Media Center Announces Skilled Support Times for Spring Semester

The Media Center, located in the lower level of Lilly Library, offers regularly-scheduled skilled support hours every semester.  The current schedule is listed below and has been posted across campus.

Although any Media Lab Assistant can help you with basic multimedia functions, for support with these specific services we encourage you to visit the Media Center during these listed times, when a Lab Assistant skilled in that area is available.

If these times do not fit with your schedule please call (x6251) and make an appointment; we will do our best to accommodate you.

Spring 2006 Media Center Skilled Support Times

Adobe Photoshop
Monday 1pm to 3pm
Wednesday 1pm to 3pm

Tuesday 3pm to 5pm
Thursday 3pm to 5pm

Media Conversion / Creating DVDs
Monday 10am to noon
Wednesday 10am to noon
Sunday noon to 3pm

Converting / Editing Audio
Monday 1pm to 3pm
Tuesday 1pm to 3pm


For more information see: