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Wabash Joins Community for One Great Read

For the third year Montgomery County is having its "One Great Read" Program.  The nationwide program was instituted by the Library of Congress and takes place around the nation. 

"The purpose of the program is to encourage people to read, in an era of heavy television and computer usage, and to try to give people a common experience," said Nancy Doemel, Senior Advancement Officer and Coordinator of Volunteer Services.  "We are just a group of people who like to read, a combination of community members and college folks."

The book the group has chosen to read this year is Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini.  It is a story of two young boys growing up in Afghanistan just before the outbreak of the recent war. One of the boys escapes with his father to the U.S. when the Taliban takes over the country. The book is about immigrants adjusting to life in America. 

Discussions have taken place over the past six weeks.

Dr. Dvid Blix is leading the March 25th discussion at Trippet Hall. Reservations  will be required.  Cost is $20. Contact Marilyn Smith at for reservations.

Kite Runner is available at various locations throughout the county. They can be purchased for $8.00 at the Wabash College Bookstore, Crawfordsville District Public Library, Crawfordsville Park & Rec Community Center, Flowers & Things, Heathcliff, Milligans’s Flowers, The Homestead, Top Line Athletics, and whatever-makes-you-happy.

For more information about the Montgomery County One Great Read Program please contact Larry Hathaway, Crawfordsville District Public Library Director, at 362-2242, ext 5 or visit