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Day presents Archaeology of Ancient Crete Houses and Households

Professor of Classics Leslie Day is on sabbatical, teaching as the Whitehead Professor at the American School of Classical. She reports, "It is great fun, as I can offer a graduate seminar (something I have never been able to do before). Interestingly enough, Jeremy Ott ’02 is here as a regular member, and Suzanne Hofstra, who replaced us in 2000-2001 is the junior professor, so there are many Wabash connections."

In May, Professor Day presented a paper entitled "Household Assemblages in LM IIIC Crete: the Evidence from Karphi" at the Stega: the Archaeology of Houses and Households in Ancient Crete conference in Ierapetra, Crete. Day also presented "Karphi: Revisiting a City of Refuge in Dark Age Crete" at the Canadian Archaeological Institute in Athens. Also published this year was her response to a paper presented in a conference in Greece in 2003 in a book called Ariadne's Threads: Connections between Crete and the Greek Mainland in the Post Palatial Period (Late Minoan IIIA2 to Sub-Minoan).

Kavousi I: The Kavousi-Thriphti Survey, by Donald Haggis and edited by Professor Day and Geraldine Gesell, was published in December.