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AOL Instant Messanger Screen Name


We at Career Services would like to remind you about one of our newest features.  Its called WabashCareers, and its our AIM Screenname. 
WabashCareers is an AOL instant messenger screen name that is our avenue for you to quickly and easily communicate with our office.  If you are online and have a question during the night hours of operation for the Career Center (Mon-Thurs 7-10pm), one of our Student Career Advisors will be online and available to answer the question instantly.

Additionally, WabashCareers has access to the Career Center Staff Calendar, and can let you know of availability of our staff, so you can come to the Career Center during the day when our staff is available to assist you.

So for those of you who think the Career Center is just too far away (all the way across the street) you now can get access to career advice from the comfort of your own room!

We hope you will take full advantage of this special opportunity, and get those pesky resume or cover letter questions out of the way quickly.  If that’s not the issue with you, WabashCareers is also equipped to handle a variety of questions regarding internships, job search, and many other services our office has to offer.

In Wabash,
Your Career Center Staff