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Career Center Information

Noble Wallies,

If you are a frequent visitor of the Career Center Website ( you might have noticed the recent change that the site has experienced.  If you aren’t a frequent visitor, you probably didn’t notice, but here is the scoop anyway:


What does this mean to you?  Well in a nutshell it means that you will have better access to all the online resources that the Career Center has to offer.  Also, it is much more user friendly, and aesthetically pleasing.

Some of the features our website now includes are:

• All of our CareerFacts sheets that aid you in every career-related endeavor from resume writing to how to use a career fair, are now loaded onto our page for easy use by students at home.  Of course, they are always still available in the Career Services Office as well.

• Over 45 links to different websites that can aid you in your search for jobs or internships.

• Access to our newsletter, Outcomes, that provides a look into the world of Career Services, from the student and alumni perspectives.  This newsletter also contains a question and answer section that answers real questions about careers from Wabash students.  You may view the newsletter on the website, or subscribe to it, and have it delivered straight to your mailbox.

• The website also has a wealth of information that can help you in a variety of areas, whether it is simply choosing a major, or as important as finding the right grad school.

• And, of course, WabashWorks! Is also on our site.  WabashWorks! remains the fastest and easiest way for Wabash students to become involved with alumni, on-campus Career Services events, and jobs and internships from firms that hire Wabash men.

So we hope you enjoy all the hard work and effort we at Career Services have put into our new website to make it easier and more pleasant for Wabash students to use.  While we encourage you to make great use of our online resources, of course, we also welcome you to come into the office if you have questions, or if its in the evening, you can also send an IM to the AIM screenname WabashCareers, and one of our career advisors will be happy to help you.

Kind Regards,
The Career Services Staff