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Turner Offers Update on Algebra Institute

During a presentation at the Ides of August, Assistant Professor of Mathematics Will Turner brought faculty colleagues up to date on The Wabash Summer Institute in Algebra, which offers 12 undergraduates from colleges across the country the opportunity to conduct algebraic research with Wabash faculty.

Just completing its second summer funded by a three-year grant from the National Science Foundation, the institute is designed to "get students involved in meaningful mathematical research, get them used to working in groups (which is becoming increasingly important in this field), and to start them thinking about graduate school in mathematics," Turner said.

The 12 men and women chosen from over 100 applicants this year also spent one of their eight weeks at Wabash studying and discussing ethics and its application to mathematics. Guest speakers this year included top mathematicians from across the country, as well as Carl Cowen, president of the Mathematical Association of America.

Click here for a photo album from WSIA 2006.