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What Can the Career Center Do for Me?

Wabash Men,

Welcome back to those of you returning from summer vacation! For those of you who are stepping onto the Wabash campus and into this unique experience for the first time, congratulations and welcome. As the year begins, I wish you all the best. May all of your time be spent well, your experiences many, and your studies rewarding. May the fun be plentiful, sleep deprivation limited, and the weekends carefree.

I’m sure we’ve all heard of the many opportunities and services offered at Wabash. Some classes provide immersion trips for their students, clubs are plentiful, and there are academic services to help you with your quantitative coursework as well as writing skills, to name a few. The Career Center is another service that, if utilized, provides a great deal of aid to any student at Wabash. It is often popular with seniors searching for a job upon graduation. However, there is need to wait until your later years to explore the services of this office. In fact, using the services of the office early on will prepare you for the opportunities that lie ahead of you.

Freshmen and sophomores, are you considering an internship over the summer? There are a number of internships on a number of internet databases, and even our own (WabashWorks), so looking to the Career Center for assistance in searching through this mass of information can be a key first step to finding the right program for you. Our Internship Coordinator, Kyle Dunaway, can assist you in finding and landing the internship you want. As an additional consideration, most internships require a resume for application. Some require a cover letter on top of that. If you need assistance with editing yours or creating either from scratch, the Peer Career Advisors, like myself, are available for you.

Juniors and seniors planning on Grad School or obtaining a job should definitely make use of the Career Center’s offerings. We offer mock interviews to students who are preparing for their job search. In these mock interviews, you will hone the skills necessary to impress employers and market yourself as a valuable asset. We also have a number of job fairs and networking opportunities taking place in the months ahead that will allow you to communicate with possible employers. For those of you eager to make connections with Wabash alumni, Alumni Career Officer Lu Hamilton has the resources, like coordinating industry focus group dinners, to connect you with Wabash men of the past. For those of you planning on attending Grad School, the Career Center can offer aid and guidance. Our Pre-Health Advisor, Jill Rogers, is available to field questions and concerns. We also facilitate courses in preparation for such programs as the MCAT, GRE, and LSAT tests.

While at Wabash, do not be reserved in taking advantage of every service offered to you as a student. The possibilities at the school are near limitless, as long as you pursue them. Have a great year and remember: our office is only two doors away from Trippet. It’s that easy.

In Wabash,
Stephen Iles
Editor, Career Advisor