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2006 Charlie Finch Memorial Alumni Fun Run

Nearly 30 alumni and friends gathered on the J. Owen Huntsman Track with members of the current Red Pack to participate in this years Charlie Finch '51 Memorial.  Coach Rob Johnson believed this to be a record crowd as he doesn't recall ever having this many runners for the event. 

With the drop of the flag by starter President Pat White the record group was off and running.  And I do mean running.  While this is considered a "fun run" several of our alumni and student athletes do take it seriously.  Prior to the start the alumni runners gathered as did the current team members.  The alumni broke with the words "we passed comps" which closely followed by "we're not old" from the current squad.  Alumni prevailed with the top two finishing spots.  Last year's winner Roger Busch '96 was poised for another victory, but he was out done this year by Adam White '98 who finished the four mile run in XX.XX.

Following the completion of the run and a chance for everyone to cool down and get showered, everyone gathered at the home of Roselie and Tom Bambrey ‘68.  Tom is Dean of Students and himself a former Wabash varsity runner.

Click here for photos from the day.